Sunday 6 October 2013

Ya Kun Kaya Toast vs. Toast Box

Wherever you get your kaya toast from, it is most likely to be good. The two I have tried are Ya Kun Kaya Toast and Toast Box. Ya Kun started in 1944 while Toast Box began in 2005. Both chains are predominately located in Singapore, but branches to other parts of Asia have been popping up. Now to get this to Canada!

Ya Kun Kaya Toast anyone?

Kaya is coconut jam. It does not sound like something I would like to try even though I love coconut. But when in Singapore, do as the locals do and we tried the traditional breakfast, kaya toast with soft boiled eggs and kopi (coffee) or teh (tea). We LOVE this breakfast!

The eggs come soft boiled, not my choice, but that is the preferred (and I am guessing only way) to eat them. Toast Box gives you the eggs to crack yourself while Ya Kun will crack them for you unless otherwise instructed. The whites are cooked ever so lightly to maintain a runny consistency, while the yolk although perfectly retaining its shape, it is runny as well. Toast Box’s eggs were a little more runny than I would like my eggs (whites were not all white yet), while Ya Kun’s eggs were done to perfection if I have to have my eggs soft boiled. Mix it together, add some white pepper and soya sauce, and there you have it. Perfect eggs. I was surprised by how good they taste this way! Slurp them back or use a spoon like soup. Either way works and both taste wonderful.

Top - eggs just cracked
Bottom - eggs mixed with soya sauce and white pepper (trust me, it's really good!)

The bread is lightly toasted, Ya Kun uses a brown type of bread while Toast Box uses white. All crust is removed from the bread. Once toasted on a grill type device, a slab of chilled butter is place on one side while kaya is spread on the other side. Put the pieces together and you have kaya toast. It is a little sweet with nice butter taste. I find Toast Box to use too much butter for my liking and the kaya they use is quite sweet, but I would never turn this down if offered. In my opinion, Ya Kun uses a reasonable amount of butter and kaya giving the toast a more even flavoring, with a little less sweetness.

Traditional kaya toast

The coffee and tea are also very nice. Hot, perfectly brewed with just the right amount of warm milk added to give it a nice creamy, velvety texture. Ahhhh.

How smart is this? I now have a free hand to carry things!

Jason started on team Toast Box but after several days of trying the two, I switched him to team Ya Kun Kaya Toast. Yes, Toast Box is fun to say. But honestly, as I write this I am now craving some kaya toast and I think I will have to head down the street to Old Town, White Coffee to try theirs :)

~Christine KL as I write this, there are no Ya Kun Kaya Toast here yet :(
...we have seen Toast Box but it is not nearby :(
...Old Town, White I come!

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