Thursday 26 December 2013

White or wrong?

In Asia there is this 'trend' of ladies wanting to have white skin. Most pop singers look something like this:


In China they also love to take pictures with white children and sometimes adults, like me. I thought they were just confusing me for David Beckham at first, it's easy to understand though. It's odd to see them mob a couple with a child, they will just swoop in and pose with the child while their friend snaps the photo. It's as if the child were a famous actor or something.

In Viet Nam just about EVERY body/skin related product has "whitening" in it.

Deodorant for Men, with WHITENING!

Who doesn't want whiter arm pits!?

Whitening Shower Cream

Whitening Body Lotion

 And just for reinforcement, these ads (found online):

Yes ladies, dream of white!

White or wrong?



  1. There was a story on this just last week on CBC. It is wrong, and also sad as it speaks to a global imbalance economically and culturally. White is still affluent and powerful, non-white is still considered a handicap.

  2. Ironically I am working on my tan right now :|
